Respecting the Earth
and people

At Picvert, cultural practices combine modern equipment, innovation and common sense. We respect the Earth and more generally our environment. For example, our mechanical precision cultivator avoids treatments and reduces manual weeding, and therefore the hardship for our teams. Our employees and suppliers are very involved. In return, we strive to create fulfilling working conditions.

Légende si l'on veut

The customer and the consumer are the focus of our attention, from the seed to the plate.
In order to serve them well, we work at each stage of production, on our ability to listen, and on our ability to anticipate their expectations.

– Christophe, Commercial director

At Picvert,
no heated greenhouses!
We are in the plain,
in open ground.

Under our multi span greenhouses, grow naturally healthy baby leaves 

Farmer’s common sense

Picvert is Picardy, and the green of our baby leaves. The color of our  region.Very anchored in our territory, we act for its prosperity and its sustainability.
We conserve its resources, especially the land and the water. Crop rotation does not exhaust the soil. We only water when it is absolutely necessary, in a targeted manner.
We collect rainwater via multi span greenhouses. Everything is done in a very family spirit. Our collaborators are often also our neighbors. We know each other well… It’s easier to work this way.  It is also a responsibility to perpetuate quality jobs in our region.

Our job is to anticipate: cultures, weather, customer requirements

– Loïck, Responsible for the cultures

Ecological labels

Each of the labels obtained validates an evolution initiated several years ago. To obtain them, we only had to highlight what was already done. The organic label, on the other hand, required testing and fine-tuning by a young team. Regular independent audits check compliance with the specifications.

Quality control is a long-term process. You have to be on the alert to stay in step with regulatory developments, new products and the requirements of each client.

– Raphaëlle, Responsible for the quality

Water is precious!