Our fresh ideas
April 2024

Seen on TV: our Bimi® broccoli on the show Tous en Cuisine – La Recette du Jour on M6!

Our Bimi® broccoli stole the show on the phenomenal M6 broadcast! On Monday 25 March at 6:30pm, more than 1.4 million viewers, as always, watched the recipe of the day. This time, it was our Bimi® broccoli that wowed France.

The “king of broccoli” inspires foodies

Bimi® broccoli has everything going for it. It can be eaten whole without being peeled. Its slender size means it cooks quickly and is highly decorative on a plate. When nibbled, its crisp stem is soft, with a slightly sweet hazelnut flavor. And as for healthiness, it is full of fibers, proteins, folic acid and vitamins A and C.

The recipe

Bimi® + risotto + pistou = sure success. To naturally bring out the best of its flavors, Bimi® broccoli is simply pan-fried over high heat, in olive oil. It stays slightly crispy, in contrast to the soft and moist risotto.

The dish is given a twist with a pistou of mint and rocket salad rather than basil.

For the full recipe: click here.

Picvert and Bimi®: quite a story

Picvert was the first producer of Bimi® for France, starting in 2021. Our recognized expertise enables us to grow this delicate, hand-harvested vegetable throughout the year.

Photos ©Lorette FABRE

In the summer season Bimi® is grown in the Hauts-de-France region, at our historic Estrées-Mons site.

Photo ©Lorette FABRE

In winter our farm in Portugal takes over. Both farms boast Demain La Terre certification, an eco-friendly guarantee of the best environmental practices.

Watch how Vincent grows Bimi® in Picardy.

Photos des écrans : Tous En Cuisine M6 / The Kitchen Factory

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